Saturday, June 18, 2011


Women driving in one of the richest monarchy in the world may seem trivial and insignificant in the face of the loss of lives in the Arab revolutions that have recently taken place and still continue to take place. However, every country has its own trials and problems, for Saudia Arabia it's gender inequality. And this is a great first step to a huge problem, maybe one day they will be able to vote and live their lives without the unnecessary supervision of their male relatives. Grown women do not need a man to open a bank account or get a bank loan, drive to the store, to own property or rent apartments and so on. These 'laws' are no where inscribed in Shariah (Islamic Law) and are simply cultral restrictions placed by primitive thinking men.

Yesterday, 17/06/2011 women in Saudi Arabia, were driving with almost no arrests. Lets hope this one drop is the start of heavy rainfall on gender inequality.

Twitter hashtag:  #Women2Drive

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