Thursday, October 20, 2011

Death and the revolts continue..

The leader or should i say former leader of Libya has just been announced dead, shot and killed while hiding, yes you guessed it in a hole. About time too, not his death per se but that they actually found him, with pictures of him already posted all over the net, here.

I guess its not that bad that he died especially since no one would have known what to do with him. Mubarak is still in trial, i wonder why anyway, yes he was evil but he's old now. In jail he will die, if he is let free he will die. What can security do when almost the whole country wants you dead. Do you just let them choose their doomed destiny. We are not a forgiving people, even when sometimes forgiveness is not deserved..

In Sudan as well, strike action and protesting is going on. I think it's great, may God protect them, our government will not be an easy one. Also, i think we need a plan before running into a revolution, learn from Egypt's mistake. It took a while for egypt to bring their government down, but to say they would prefer to be ruled by the military until they find a leader was a mistake. The army is taught how to battle, in their mind violence is the way to control and leads to victory, what makes one think that they won't use those principles that most soldiers believe in; to rule the country. "..After all you have your army killing your people, a long oppressed minority of it at that — but if one looks beyond what happened, one sees a very different picture. What happened yesterday was the beginning of the end of the military rule over Egypt: The days of the SCAF ruling are numbered. " This was posted after there were clashes with the military and the citizens. Basically, i'm saying get the government down in Sudan but have a leader, a good one ready to take the lead.

I guess we wait and see. More on Sudan to come. 

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